

Authors Persson, B.N.J. ; Albohr, O. ; Heinrich, G. ; Ueba, H.
Title Crack propagation in rubber-like materials
Date 19.10.2005
Number 13387
Abstract Crack propagation in rubber-like materials is of great practical importance but still not well understood. We study the contribution to the crack propagation energy (per unit area) G from the viscoelastic deformations of the rubber in front of the propagating crack tip. We show that G takes the standard form G(v,T) = G0[1+f(v,T)] where G0 is associated with the (complex) bond-breaking processes at the crack tip while f(v,T) is determined by the viscoelastic energy dissipation in front of the crack tip. As applications, we discuss the role of crack propagation for adhesion, rolling resistance and sliding friction for smooth surfaces, and for rubber wear.
Publisher Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter
Citation Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter 17 (2005) R1071-R1142

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