

Authors G. Reiter, G. Castelein, J.-U. Sommer, Andreas Röttele, Thomas Thurn-Albrecht
Title Direct Visualization of Random Crystallization and Melting in Arrays of Nanometer-Size Polymer Crystals
Date 07.11.2001
Number 125
Abstract Using tapping mode atomic force microscopy, we visualized in direct space and time resolved the changes in viscoelastic properties during crystallization and melting of polyethyleneoxide in 12 nm spheres of a block copolymer mesophase. All spheres crystallized individually and independently, randomly distributed sphere by sphere. Melting of the confined crystals also proceeded in a stochastic manner. Not all spheres melted at the same temperature, indicating different degrees of order of the individual nanometer-size polymer crystals. The independence of the spheres opens the possibility to manipulate material properties of surfaces at the nanometer scale.
Publisher Physical Review Letters
Citation Physical Review Letters 87 (2001) 226101, 4 Pages
Tags 68.55.-a 64.70.-p 83.80.uv atomic-force microscopy diblock copolymers quasi-2 dimensions phase-transitions polyethylene simulations morphology nucleation patterns growth

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