

Authors J.-U. Sommer, T. Russ, R. Brenn and M. Geoghegan
Title Scaling Model for Anomalous Swelling of Polymer Networks in a Polymer solvent
Date 10.10.2001
Number 122
Abstract We present a self-similar model for the topological disorder of randomly cross-linked polymer networks to study swelling in the same melt (P monomers per chain). A partially screened excluded-volume constant v ~ 1/P explains the anomalous swelling obtained in experiments on polystyrene networks if the characteristic size of the topological disorder (network clusters) is greater than the extension of the P-chains. As a result, the degree of swelling follows a scaling behaviour dependent upon the connectivity of the network clusters, in agreement with our experimental data.
Publisher Europhysics Letters
Citation Europhysics Letters 57 (2001) 32-38

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