

Authors Khaibullin, R.I. ; Rameev, B.Z. ; Popok, V.N. ; Zheglov, E.P. ; Kondyurin, A.V. ; Zhikharev, V.A. ; Aktas, B.
Title An influence of the viscosity of polymer substrate on ion beam synthesis of iron granular films
Date 06.10.2003
Number 11309
Abstract Iron granular films were synthesized in silicone polymers by implantation of 40 keV Fe<sup>+</sup> ions with a fluence of 1.25&nbsp;&#xd7;&nbsp;10<sup>17</sup> ion/cm<sup>2</sup> into viscous polymer substrates with various viscosity of 20&#x2013;1000 Pa&nbsp;s. After the implantation the iron-implanted silicone substrates have been cured in the solid rubber-like state on the expiration of 72 h. The influence of the substrate viscosity on the magnetic properties of the synthesized iron films was studied by ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) spectroscopy. It was shown that magnetic anisotropy and magnetization of the iron granular films is strongly and non-monotonically depended on the viscosity of silicone polymer under irradiation. Particularly, the maximal value of magnetization, 610 G, is observed for iron granular film synthesized at substrate viscosity on order of 70 Pa&nbsp;s. This value is higher than the magnetization of films obtained in silicone substrate implanted with iron ions in fully cured state.
Publisher Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research / B
Citation Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research / B 206 (2003) 1115-1119

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