

Authors Voit, B. ; Eigner, M. ; Estel, K. ; Wenzel, C. ; Bartha, J.W.
Title Labile Hyperbranched Polymers Used as Pore Forming Agents in Polymeric Dielectrica
Date 21.08.2002
Number 10600
Abstract Hyperbranched polyesters containing labile triazene units in the main chain have been synthesized and characterized. These structure decompose photochemically upon UV irradiation and thermally above 160 °C. Homogeneous incorporation of these globular, functional polymers in thermostabile polymer matrices (polyimides and BCB polymers) was possible. Smooth films from blends of thermolabile matrix and up to 50% hyperbranched polymers could be prepared and have been studied as insulating material in microelectronic multilayer applications.
Publisher Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering
Citation Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering 87 (2002) 201-202
Tags experimental study surface topography photoinduced effect structure modification crosslinked polymer cyclobutene derivative polymer aromatic polymer fluorine containing polymer polyimide polymer blends photodegradable polymer branched polymer ester polyme

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