

Authors Minko, S. ; Kiriy, A. ; Gorodyska, G. ; Stamm, M.
Title Mineralization of Single Flexible Polyelectrolyte Molecules
Date 07.10.2002
Number 10385
Abstract Conformation of a single flexible polyelectrolyte molecule with a hydrophobic backbone in aqueoussolution is effected by the interplay of the short-range intramolecular attraction and the long-range Coulombrepulsion. The conformation can be frozen if the molecule is trapped by a solid substrate. With this approach,we prepared the range of single molecule templates from poly(2-vinylpyridine) (P2VP) deposited on thesurface of Si-wafer or mica in different conformations from an elongated wormlike coil to compact globule.Pd(+2) was coordinated by P2VP via an ion exchange reaction exposing the samples to palladium acetateacidic aqueous solution. In the next step, Pd(+2) was reduced by dimethylamine borane. This route resultsin wire-shaped metallic nanoparticle assembles of about 2-5 nm in diameter and 50-700 nm in length.The conformation and size of the underlaying polyelectrolyte molecules determine the dimensions ofnanoparticles.
Publisher Journal of the American Chemical Society
Citation Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (2002) 10192-10197
Tags metal nanowires poor solvents nanoparticles dna superlattice templates copolymer behavior

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