

Authors Laursen, S.H. ; Hansen, S.G. ; Taskin, M.B. ; Chen, M. ; Wogensen, L. ; Nygaard, J.V. ; Axelsen, S.M.
Title Electrospun nanofiber mesh with connective tissue growth factor and mesenchymal stem cells for pelvic floor repair: Long-term study
Date 08.02.2023
Number 60825
Abstract Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) affects many women, with an estimated lifetime risk of surgical intervention of 18.7%. There is a need for alternative approaches as the use of synthetic nondegradable mesh was stopped due to severe adverse events, and as current methods for pelvic floor repair have high POP recurrence rates. Thus, we hypothesized that electrospun degradable meshes with stem cells and growth factor were safe and durable for the long term in elderly rats. In an abdominal repair model, electrospun polycaprolactone (PCL) meshes coated with connective tissue growth factor (CTGF)/PEG-fibrinogen (PF) and rat mesenchymal stem cells were implanted in elderly female rats and removed after in average 53·weeks (53-week group). Collagen amount and production were quantified by qPCR and Western blotting. Moreover, histological appearance and biomechanical properties were evaluated. Results were compared with previous results of young rats with identical mesh implanted for 24·weeks (24-week group). The 53-week group differed from the 24-week group in terms of (1) reduced collagen III, (2) strong reduction in foreign body response, and (3) altered histological appearance. We found comparable biomechanical properties, aside from higher, not significant, mean tissue stiffness in the 53-week group. Lastly, we identified mesh components 53·weeks after implantation. This study provides new insights into future POP repair in postmenopausal women by showing how CTGF/PF-coated electrospun PCL meshes with stem cells exhibit sufficient support, biocompatibility, and no mesh-related complications long term in an abdominal repair model in elderly rats.
Publisher Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials
Citation Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 111 (2023) 392-401

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