

Authors Kamble, V. G. ; Kolekar, S. ; Panda, H.S. ; Ammourah, S. ; Jagadeesha, T.
Title Magneto rheological fluid: Fabrication and characterization of its temperature-dependent properties
Date 18.02.2021
Number 59943
Abstract The behavior of magneto rheological fluids at different temperature was tested by using oscillatory rheometer. The shear flow, oscillatory shear tests was performed at varying intensities of magnetic flux density, amplitude of stress, strain rate over a different temperature range. The magnetic field density and temperature range effects on the yield stress of MR fluids had been assessed using the measured shear stress and shear strain data, the data obtained beneath harmonic pressure signals were analyzed for storage, loss modulus as the capabilities of the temperature and the strain amplitude. Whenever there is no such magnetic field is applied, the results confirmed that the robust impact of temperature on its rheological properties of the MR fluids; however, the magnetic field became the overriding influence on it. Whenever under the application of the magnetic field the temperature effects can only be seen at low strain rates.
Publisher Materials Today: Proceedings
Citation Materials Today: Proceedings 45, Part 6 (2021) 4813-4818

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