

Authors Metsch, P. ; Schmidt, H. ; Kalina, K. A. ; Brummund, J. ; Auernhammer, G. ; Kästner, M.
Title Particle interactions in magneto-active elastomers: experiments and simulations
Date 01.01.2021
Number 59213
Abstract In this contribution, particle–matrix interactions in magneto–active elastomers are analyzed with regard to the resulting mechanical deformations. By comparing experimental observations with the results of finite element simulations, a fully coupled continuum model for magneto–active elastomers is validated with the help of real data. The model under consideration permits the investigation of magneto–active elastomers with arbitrary particle distances, shapes and volume fractions as well as magnetic and mechanical properties of the individual constituents. Our results show a very good agreement of experiments and numerical simulations – the deformation behavior of the system under consideration is captured by the model qualitatively as well as quantitatively.
Publisher PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Citation PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 20 (2021) e202000277

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