

Authors Kuhrt, R. ; Ho, P.Y. ; Hantusch, M. ; Lissel, F. ; Blacque, O. ; Knupfer, M. ; Buchner, B.
Title Synthesis and charge transfer characteristics of a ruthenium-acetylide complex
Date 27.11.2020
Number 59062
Abstract A novel ruthenium–acetylide complex was synthesised and characterised in solid state and solution. Thin films of the complex were evaporated on silver and gold foils in ultra high vacuum in order to probe the electronic properties with photoemission spectroscopy. The charge transfer characteristics of the complex with the strong acceptor F6TCNNQ were investigated by UV-vis absorption in solution as well as at an interface with photoemission spectroscopy. A new excitation in the former optical gap of the pristine materials was probed in solution. Moreover, it was possible to identify the oxidised complex as well as the reduced acceptor by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. In particular, our data reveal that oxidation of the complex mainly occurs at the Ru centre. The charge transfer can be characterised as localised and mainly ionic although signs of a reaction of the acceptors aminogroups with the ruthenium–acetylide complex were found.
Publisher RSC Advances
Wikidata Q105627121
Citation RSC Advances 10 (2020) 43242-43247

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