

Authors Rouhana, R. ; Stommel, M.
Title Modelling and experimental investigation of hexagonal nacre-like structure stiffness
Date 15.07.2020
Number 58731
Abstract A highly ordered, hexagonal, nacre-like composite stiffness is investigated using experiments, simulations, and analytical models. Polystyrene and polyurethane are selected as materials for the manufactured specimens using laser cutting and hand lamination. A simulation geometry is made by digital microscope measurements of the specimens, and a simulation is conducted using material data based on component material characterization. Available analytical models are compared to the experimental results, and a more accurate model is derived specifically for highly ordered hexagonal tablets with relatively large in-plane gaps. The influence of hexagonal width, cut width, and interface thickness are analyzed using the hexagonal nacre-like composite stiffness model. The proposed analytical model converges within 1% with the simulation and experimental results.
Publisher Journal of Composites Science
Citation Journal of Composites Science 4 (2020) 91

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