

Authors Xiang, F. ; Schneider, K. ; Heinrich, G.
Title New observations regarding fatigue crack paths and their fracture surfaces in natural rubber: Influences of R-ratio and pre-load
Date 24.04.2020
Number 58521
Abstract Most previous works focusing on the influence of R-ratio on the service life of natural rubber didn’t consider some interesting phenomena. Cracks in both filled and unfilled natural rubber have the tendency to split and propagate into the stress relaxation zone (“backwards” at R·=·emin/emax·=·1/3) with increasing R-ratio. When a “backwards” crack arose, regular ordered striations were observed on the fracture surface. Additionally, the crack growth behaviour of filled natural rubber can differ greatly from catastrophic crack growth to slow “backwards” fatigue growth, even when all loading conditions such as frequency, amplitude and R-ratio were kept constant.
Publisher International Journal of Fatigue
Citation International Journal of Fatigue 135 (2020) 105508
Tags natural rubber crack paths fatigue crack growth fracture surface strain-induced crystallization

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