

Authors Vyalikh, A. ; Elschner, C. ; Schulz, M. C. ; Mai, R. ; Scheler, U.
Title Early stages of biomineral formation - a solid-state NMR Investigation of the mandible of minipigs
Date 22.11.2017
Number 53988
Abstract Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy allows for the identification of inorganic species during the biomineral formation, when crystallite particles visible in direct imaging techniques have not yet been formed. The bone blocks surrounding dental implants in minipigs were dissected after the healing periods of two, four, and eight weeks, and newly formed tissues formed around the implants were investigated ex vivo. Two-dimensional 31P-1H heteronuclear correlation (HETCOR) spectroscopy is based on the distance-dependent heteronuclear dipolar coupling between phosphate- and hydrogen-containing species and provides sufficient spectral resolution for the identification of different phosphate minerals. The nature of inorganic species present at different mineralization stages has been determined based on the 31P chemical shift information. After a healing time of two weeks, pre-stages of mineralization with a rather unstructured distribution of structural motives were found. After four weeks, different structures, which can be described as nanocrystals exhibiting a high surface-to-volume ratio were detected. They grew and, after eight weeks, showed chemical structures similar to those of matured bone. In addition to hydroxyapatite, amorphous calcium phosphate, and octacalcium phosphate, observed in a reference sample of mature bone, signatures of ß-tricalcium phosphate and brushite-like structures were determined at the earlier stages of bone healing. View Full-Text
Publisher Magnetochemistry
Citation Magnetochemistry 3 (2017) ID3040039
Tags solid-state nmr heteronuclear correlation spectroscopy biomineralization pre-mineralization stage

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