

Authors Saphiannikova, M. ; Toshchevikov, V. ; Ilnytskyi, J.
Title Nanoscopic actuators in light-induced deformation of glassy azo-polymers
Date 31.12.2013
Number 41402
Abstract We present the theoretical and computer simulation studies of photo-mechanics in glassy azo-oligomers. Angular distributions of chromophores in respect to the backbones obtained at different temperatures served as input into a theoretical expression for the striction stress, which was found to be positive for the structure under investigation. The light-induced reorientation of typical propeller-like structures is shown to be a microscopic reason of the sample elongation. The azo-propellers work as nanoscopic actuators which convert the light energy into material deformation. This finding opens a way for prediction of photomechanical properties of glassy azo-compounds directly from their chemical structure. © (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
Publisher Proceedings of SPIE
Citation Proceedings of SPIE 8901 (2013) 89010X-1
Tags actuators polymers simulations spine chemical compounds chemicals computing systems mechanics

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