

Authors Mousa, A. ; Heinrich, G.
Title The effect of microwave irradiation on the physical and morphological behavior of olive husk biomass and its application in XNBR vulcanizates
Date 01.06.2012
Number 32602
Abstract Microwave heating has been proved to be more rapid, uniform and easily penetrate to particle inside. To investigate the effect of microwave irradiation on the physical property and morphological structure of olive solid by-products (OSB) and to produce a porous structure with improved surface polarity. The effect of microwave irradiation on the morphology and thermal stabilities of the OSB is investigated. The structural changes of the microwave irradiated samples were examined using attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope. On the hand the thermal behavior of the irradiated samples was studied via thermo-gravimetric analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry. The potential of the microwave-irradiated OSB as a reinforcement for carboxylated nitrile butadiene rubber was evaluated with respect to their dynamic mechanical analysis.
Publisher Waste and biomass Valorization
Wikidata 4
Citation Waste and biomass Valorization 3 (2012) 157-164
Tags biomass olive solid by-product microwave irradiation

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