

Authors Stocek, R. ; Heinrich, G. ; Gehde, M.
Title The influence of the test properties on dynamic crack propagation in filled rubbers by simultaneous tensile- and pure-shear-mode testing
Constitutive Models for Rubber VI, Heinrich, G.;  Kaliske, M.; Lion, A.;  Reese, S., ed.
Date 14.09.2009
Number 21122
Abstract Proceedings of the European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, Dresden, 7-10 September 2009<br /><br />Crack growth characteristics of rubber materials are important for determination of strength and durability of the materials. In classical studies of fracture mechanics of rubber, it was featured tensile- and prominently pure-shear-test pieces. In this paper a fatigue crack growth of rubber materials is determined by using a method of simultaneous Tensile- and Pure-shear-Mode Testing. Measurement were made in order to characterize the fatigue crack growth behavior as a function of the tearing energy, determined by strain energy density in test of tensile- and pure-shear geometry. Measurements were made to observe the effects of loading frequency and amplitude. Comparison of the crack growth behavior between tensile- and pure-shear-test pieces was observed for verification of experimental data measured by simultaneous tensile- and pure-shear-mode testing.<br /><br />ISBN 978-0-415-56327-7
Publisher CRC Press
Citation CRC Press (2009) 345-352

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