

Authors Horst, Th. ; Heinrich, G.
Title Structural influence on crack propagation behaviour in elastomeric materials
Constitutive Models for Rubber VI, Heinrich, G.;  Kaliske, M.; Lion, A.;  Reese, S., ed.
Date 14.09.2009
Number 20863
Abstract Proceedings of the European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, Dresden, 7-10 September 2009<br /><br />The tearing energy, defined as the total amount of energy required to advance a fracture plane by one unit area, is gene rally used for the characterisation of crack propagation in elastomeric materials. This quantity is highly affected by the various dissipative processes in elastomeric compounds. Modifying the structure of elastomers influences both the energy dissipation outside of the fracture process zone and the fracture process itself. Energy dissipation mechanisms outside of the fracture process are mainly due to viscoelasticity of the polymeric network characterised by the relaxation time spectrum and due to the breakdown and re-aggregation of filler clusters when the material is reinforced with hard fillers such as carbon black. The dissipative processes in the vicinity of the crack front within the fracture process zone are influenced e.g. by the the crack velocity. In order to study its influence, steady crack tip fields were calculated at various crack tip velocities within the linear viscoelastic theory. Results will be discussed qualitatively with respect to possible fracture mechanisms. Beside the crack velocity, the inhomogeneous structure of the material influences the fracture process as well. Structural modifications lead to different fracture surface morphologies, as it can be seen mostly with the naked eye. A statistical analysis of a particular fracture surface topography by means of height-height correlation functions allows for an estimation of corresponding length scales of the fracture process.<br /><br />ISBN 978-0-415-56327-7
Publisher CRC Press
Citation CRC Press (2009) 331-336

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