

Authors Sun, Y. ; Luchnikov, V. ; Stamm, M.
Title Stabilization of PS-b-P4VP Diblock Copolymer Nanotemplates by UV Irradiation
Date 30.08.2006
Number 14216
Abstract PMSE 399 - The 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, September 10-14, 2006<br /><br />Processing of polystyrole-poly(vinyl pyridine) block-copolymer porous nanotemplates by UV radiation is reported. The UV-cured templates demonstrate excellent stability in water solutions of hydrochloric acids. While dipping of control templates (not treated by UV radiation) into acidic water leads to expelling of the P4VP from the pores and damaging of the template morphology, the UV-crosslinked samples perfectly resist immersion into the 5% w.t. HCl solution. This broadens the possibilities for chemical modification of the templates by the processes that require acidic environment.
Publisher Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering
Citation Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering 51 (2006) 721-722

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