

Authors Dlubek, G. ; Gupta, A. Sen ; Wawryszczuk, J. ; Kilburn, D. ; Pionteck, J. ; Krause-Rehberg, R. ; Goworek, T. ; Alam, M. A. ; Kaspar, H. ; Lochhaas, K.H.
Title The Temperature and Pressure Dependence of the Free Volume in Fluoroelastomers from PALS and PVT Experiments
Date 21.09.2005
Number 13469
Abstract Positron lifetime and pressure-volume-temperature experiments were performed as function of T (100-485 K) and P (10-5 Pa-500 MPa) on a fluoroelastomer. From positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy, analyzed with LT9.0 assuming a dispersion in the e+ (t2) and o-Ps (t3) lifetime, the mean,<vh>, and the width (standard deviation),sh, of the hole size distribution were calculated. The pressure-volume-temperature data were analyzed using the Simha-Somcynsky hole-lattice theory to estimate the specific hole free volume Vf. From a comparison of Vf with<vh> the specific hole number, N'h, is estimated. The data from thermal expansion and pressure experiments show complete agreement when taking into account the compressibility of the occupied volume.
Publisher Acta Physica Polonica / A
Citation Acta Physica Polonica / A 107 (2005) 685-689

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