

Authors Calvimontes, A. ; Dutschk, V. ; Koch, H. ; Voit, B.
Title New Detergency Aspects through Visualisation of Soil Release Polymer Films on Textile Surfaces
Date 14.10.2005
Number 13003
Abstract Soiling degree and cleanability of different polyester textile materials before and after impregnation with a soil release polymer (SRP) has been systematically investigated. The use of an imaging instrument for the optical roughness analysis operating on the principle of chromatic aberration allowed visualisation of a transparent SRP film on impregnated textile surfaces. Through visualisation of the SRP film and quantification of its relative area, a possible mechanism of cleanability due to impregnation with SRP is proposed.
Publisher Tenside Surfactants Detergents
Citation Tenside Surfactants Detergents 42 (2005) 210-216
Tags mechanism roughness instruments imaging impregnation textile film polymer release soiling detergency soil release polymer film polyester textiles optical roughness analysis -

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