

Authors Sagidullin, A ; Fritzinger, B. ; Scheler, U. ; Skirda, W.D.
Title Self-diffusion of low-generation PAMAM dendrimers with hydroxyl surface groups in solutions: a general regularity
Date 06.01.2004
Number 11330
Abstract An experimental study of the self-diffusion and nuclear magnetic relaxation of poly(amidoamine) dendrimers with hydroxyl surface groups (PAMAM-OH) dissolved in methanol over a wide range of concentration (<img src="" alt="curly or open small phi, Greek" border=0>) is reported. It is shown that experimental concentration dependences of PAMAM-OH self-diffusion coefficients (<i>D</i>) can be reduced to the so-called generalized <img src="" alt="curly or open small phi, Greek" border=0> dependence. Over macromolecular concentration range studied, the generalized concentration dependence of PAMAM-OH <i>D</i> coincides with analogous curve obtained for poly(allylcarbosilane) dendrimers of high generations. This result confirms the existence of common regularities of the dendritic macromolecule self-diffusion, and their independence of the individual physicochemical and structural properties of dendrimer, solvent, and features of their int<br />eractions in the given systems. The concentration dependence of the PAMAM-OH diffusion also exhibits a clear signature of an inflexible molecule.
Publisher Polymer
Citation Polymer 45 (2004) 165-170

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