

Authors Mitrofanov, A.; Dreimann, O.; Zakirova, K.; Waentig, A. L.; Wrzesinska-Lashkova, A.; Kuc, A.; Ruck, M.; Vaynzof, Y.; Feng, X.; Voit, B.
Title Narrow bandgap 1D lead iodide perovskite with aminophenyl viologen
Date 26.07.2024
Number 0
Abstract One-dimensional (1D) perovskites (perovskitoids) occupy an important place among modern semiconducting materials, offering design flexibility together with a wide range of properties. However, most such materials have a large bandgap, which limits their application in photovoltaics. Here, we present a new 1D hybrid perovskite containing the functional cation aminophenyl viologen (APhV). Similar to other materials from the viologen perovskite family, aminophenyl viologen iodidoplumbate(II) (APhV[Pb2I6]·2NMP) exhibits a broad absorption with a narrow and direct bandgap of 1.66 eV, which was calculated from the experimental data and is supported also by our first-principles simulations. Close contact between electron-rich inorganic chains and electron-accepting viologen molecules suggests charge transfer within the hybrid, which is also visible in the density of states. Considering its reasonable thermal stability, aminophenyl viologen iodidoplumbate can find a wide application in photovoltaics.
Publisher American Chemical Society
Citation Inorganic Chemistry 63 (2024) 14981-14988

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