

Authors Newland, H. ; Eigel, D. ; Rosser, A. ; Werner, C. ; Newland, B.
Title Oxygen producing microscale spheres affect cell survival in conditions of oxygen-glucose deprivation in a cell specific manner: implications for cell transplantation
Date 22.11.2018
Number 56017
Abstract This study outlines the synthesis of microscale oxygen producing spheres, which, when used in conjunction with catalase, can raise the dissolved oxygen content of cell culture media for 16–20 hours. In conditions of oxygen and glucose deprivation, designed to mimic the graft environment in vivo, the spheres rescue SH-SY5Y cells and meschymal stem cells, showing that oxygen producing biomaterials may hold potential to improve the survival of cells post-transplantation.
Publisher Biomaterials Science
Citation Biomaterials Science 6 (2018) 2571-2577

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