

Authors Gottwald, A. ; Pospiech, D. ; Jehnichen, D. ; Pötschke, P. ; Janke, A.
Title Functional materials<br />Competing Reactions during Block Copolymer Synthesis by Melt Transesterification
Date 10.07.2000
Number 8745
Abstract Functional materials, often called smart or advanced materials, offer new combinations of physical properties (e.g., electrical, optical or magnetic) that make them attractive for use in such modern high-tech industries as telecommunications or microelectronics. In this book, the fundamentals of functional materials from all classes of materials - ceramics, polymers, metals and alloys - are discussed as well as their applications in information technology, fuel cells, systems for renewable energy and sensors and actuators.<br /><br />Part III: Polymers, Chapter 57:<br />Two quite similar systems, PSU-PET/PEI and PSU-PET/HBA, used for the BCP synthesis, were investigated. The main aspect of the investigation was the dependence of mixing behavior on the interaction parameter , the melt viscosity ratio as well as the block molecular weights.<br /><br />ISBN 3-527-30254-9
Publisher Wiley-VCH
Citation Wiley-VCH (2000) 342-346

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