

Authors Merlitz, H. ; Vuijk, H. ; Brader, J. M. ; Sharma, A. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Title Linear response approach to active Brownian particles in time-varying activity fields
Date 20.06.2018
Number 54741
Abstract In a theoretical and simulation study, active Brownian particles (ABPs) in three-dimensional bulk systems are exposed to time-varying sinusoidal activity waves that are running through the system. A linear response (Green-Kubo) formalism is applied to derive fully analytical expressions for the torque-free polarization profiles of non-interacting particles. The activity waves induce fluxes that strongly depend on the particle size and may be employed to de-mix mixtures of ABPs or to drive the particles into selected areas of the system. Three-dimensional Langevin dynamics simulations are carried out to verify the accuracy of the linear response formalism, which is shown to work best when the particles are small (i.e., highly Brownian) or operating at low activity levels.
Publisher Journal of Chemical Physics
Citation Journal of Chemical Physics 148 (2018) ID194116

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