

Authors Cherif, C. ; Tran, N. H. A. ; Kirsten, M. ; Brünig, H. ; Vogel, R.
Title Environmentally friendly and highly productive bi-component melt spinning of thermoregulated smart polymer fibres with high latent heat capacity
Date 21.02.2018
Number 54519
Abstract A stable and reproducible bi-component melt spinning process on an industrial scale incorporating Phase Change Material (PCM) into textile fibres has been successfully developed and carried out using a melt spinning machine. The key factor for a successful bi-component melt spinning process is that a deep insight into the thermal and rheological behaviour of PCM using Difference Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), and an oscillatory rheological investigation. PCM is very sensitive to the temperature and residence time of the melt spinning process. It is found that the optimal process temperature of PCM is 210°C. The textile-physical properties and the morphology of the melt spun and further drawn bi-component core and sheath fibres (bico fibres) were investigated and interpreted. The heat capacities of PCM incorporated in bico fibres were also determined by means of DSC. The melt spun bico fibres integrating PCM provide a high latent heat of up to 22 J/g, which is three times higher than that of state-of-the-art fibres, which were also obtained using the melt spinning process. Therefore, they have the potential to be used as smart polymer fibres for textile and other technical applications.
Publisher eXPRESS Polymer Letters
Citation eXPRESS Polymer Letters 12 (2018) 203-214
Tags smart polymers thermal properties latent heat phase change material bi-component melt spinning

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