

Authors Fery, A; Dubreuil, F; Möhwald, H
Title Mechanics of artificial microcapsules
Date 06.02.2004
Number 3107
Abstract In recent years, an increasing number of microcapsule systems have been realized and have found applications in various fields of research and technology. Amongst others, polyelectrolyte multilayer capsules (PMCs) offer a great variety of materials and superior control over the wall thicknesses. We present here a review on the different techniques that are available for characterizing the mechanical properties of PMCs. We compare results that were obtained using these techniques on the same system, namely PMCs made from polyallylamine and polystyrenesulfonate multilayers and discuss perspectives of the field.
Publisher New Journal of Physics
Wikidata 88
Citation New Journal of Physics 6 (2004) 13 pages
Tags pacs 66.30.h 87.19.r 62.20.-x 81.40.-z atomic-force microscope polyelectrolyte capsules multilayer films colloidal particles surfaces vesicles neutron shells reflectivity permeability

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