

Authors de Lange, P. J. ; Mäder, E. ; Mai, K. ; Young, R. J. ; Ahmad, I.
Title Characterization and micromechanical testing of the interphase of aramid-reinforced epoxy composites
Date 28.11.2001
Number 8859
Abstract The properties of the interphase between Twaron<sup>&#xae;</sup> aramid fibres and polymer matrix systems can be optimized by a surface treatment process of the fibres. The relation between this surface treatment, the resulting chemical and physical surface structure, as measured with XPS, IGC and SFM, and the adhesion strength in fibre&#x2013;epoxy systems, as measured with Raman spectroscopy and single-filament pull-out experiments, has been established and related to the macromechanical data of real composites. The concept of local bond strength was used and the fibre&#x2013;epoxy failure mechanism investigated.
Publisher Composites / Part A
Citation Composites / Part A 32 (2001) 331-342

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