

Authors Gahlen, P. ; Mainka, R. ; Stommel, M.
Title Prediction of anisotropic foam stiffness properties by a Neural Network
Date 10.03.2023
Number 61521
Abstract In this work, an Artificial Neural Network is developed to predict the orthotropic stiffness tensor of anisotropic foam structures utilizing a tessellation-based foam RVE database. Based on a validated mesoscale simulation model, which is able to predict the mechanical properties of foams including the consideration of the cell structure, in a first step a simulative database is created. Variable parameters are: Foam density, Young’s modulus of foam base material, cell size, cell orientation, cell shape, etc. In total, more than 2000 simulations were performed leading to a novel RVE database. These simulations are subsequently used to train and compare different networks in a supervised manner. It can be seen that with suitable network settings a Mean Relative Error of max 2% compared to the RVE simulations occurs. As a result, the anisotropic mechanical stiffness values of complex foam structures can be determined via the Artificial Neural Network within seconds instead of performing time-consuming simulations (up to hours). In a final study, the effect of the database size on the prediction accuracy is examined. It can be observed that at least 500 training datapoints are required to obtain sufficient accuracy.
Publisher International Journal of Mechanical Science
Citation International Journal of Mechanical Science 249 (2023) 108245

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