

Authors Le, H. H. ; Hoang, X.T. ; Wießner, S.
Title Phase selective wetting of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and their hybrid filler system in natural rubber blends
Handbook of Carbon Nanotubes, Abraham, J.; Thomas, S.; Kalarikkal, N., ed.
Date 15.12.2022
Number 61149
Abstract The kinetics of dispersion and phase selective wetting of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in binary and ternary rubber blends based on NR was characterized by means of the modified wetting concept and Z-model. For example, in ternary rubber blend of styrene butadiene rubber (SBR)/butadiene rubber (BR)/natural rubber (NR), almost all CNTs are found to be wetted by the nonpolar NR but not by the other nonpolar rubber like BR or weakly polar SBR. It was proposed that phospholipids, which are linked to the a-terminal of NR, can interact with the CNT surface through cation-p interactions forming strong bonding between NR and CNTs. A new test strategy was introduced in order to evidence the role of the linked phospholipids in the NR-CNT interactions by comparison of the CNT wetting in miscible NR/polyisoprene (IR) and deproteinized natural rubber (DPNR)/IR blend. By the combination of the wetting concept and the Z-model, a corrected surface tension of NR was determined, which involves the effect of phospholipids. The cation-p linkage was found to be the main interaction between CNTs and ionic liquids (ILs), which were tested in the present work as dispersing agent and coupling agent in SBR/NR with respect to the anion type and length of alkyl chain of different ILs. The preferential wetting of the CNT surface by the low-loading NR phase in the self-healable NR/BIIR blends filled with CNTs and silica/CNT hybrid fillers, respectively, owing to the cation-p linkage imparts the blend high electrical conductivity, which can be used for the acceleration of the self-healing process by application of an electrical voltage.
Publisher Springer International Publishing
Citation Springer International Publishing (2022) 835-875

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