

Authors Kast, V. ; Lössner, D.
Title 3D models for ovarian cancer
Date 31.12.2021
Number 59950
Abstract The main reasons for the slow progress in improving survival outcomes for ovarian cancer are the `one-size-fits-all´ therapy and lack of clinically relevant experimental models that represent the advanced stages of the human disease. The interaction of tumour cells with their surrounding niche, the tumour microenvironment, influences the spread of ovarian cancer cells within the peritoneum and their responses to therapeutics. Scientists are increasingly using 3D cell culture models to dissect the role of the tumour microenvironment in cancer development and progression and the treatment of this disease. In this chapter, we will briefly describe the tumour microenvironment of ovarian cancer. Then, we will review some of the clinically relevant experimental approaches, such as spheroid, organoid and organotypic models, that have been developed for the 3D culture of ovarian cancer cells using different tools, including hydrogels, scaffolds and cancer-on-a-chip devices, to mimic selected components of the tumour microenvironment.
Publisher Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
Citation Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1330 (2021) 139-149

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