

Authors Teeffelen, S. van ; Renner, L.
Title Recent advances in understanding how rod-like bacteria stably maintain their cell shapes
Date 28.02.2018
Number 54743
Abstract Cell shape and cell volume are important for many bacterial functions. In recent years, we have seen a range of experimental and theoretical work that led to a better understanding of the determinants of cell shape and size. The roles of different molecular machineries for cell-wall expansion have been detailed and partially redefined, mechanical forces have been shown to influence cell shape, and new connections between metabolism and cell shape have been proposed. Yet the fundamental determinants of the different cellular dimensions remain to be identified. Here, we highlight some of the recent developments and focus on the determinants of rod-like cell shape and size in the well-studied model organisms Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis.
Publisher F1000Research
Citation F1000Research 241 (2018) ID29560261
Tags bacterial functions cell shape cell size bacterial metabolism rod-like e.coli b.subtilis bacterial physiology

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