

Authors Chang, B. ; Schneider, K. ; Vogel, R. ; Heinrich, G.
Title Influence of annealing on mechanical ac-relaxation of isotactic polypropylene: A study from the intermediate phase perspective
Date 01.11.2017
Number 54273
Abstract The influence of annealing on mechanical ac-relaxation of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) is investigated. In the sample without annealing, polymer chains in the intermediate phase are constrained by crystallites with a broad size distribution, leading to one ac-relaxation peak with activation energy (Ea) of 53.39 kJ mol-1. With an annealing temperature between 60 and 105 °C imperfect lamellae melting releases a part of the constraining force. Consequently, two ac-relaxation peaks can be observed (ac1- and ac2-relaxation in the order of increasing temperature). Both relaxation peaks shift to higher temperatures as annealing temperature increases. Ea of ac1-relaxation decreases from 38.43 to 35.55 kJ mol-1 as the intermediate phase thickness increases from 2.0 to 2.2 nm. With an annealing temperature higher than 105 °C, a new crystalline phase is formed, which enhances the constraining force on the polymer chains. So the ac1-relaxation peak is broadened and its position shifts to a higher temperature. Moreover, the polymer chains between the initial and the newly formed crystalline phase are strongly confined. Therefore, the ac2-relaxation is undetectable. Ea of ac1-relaxation decreases from 23.58 to 13.68 kJ mol-1 as the intermediate phase thickness increases from 2.3 to 3.0 nm.
Publisher Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
Citation Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 302 (2017) ID1700291

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