

Authors Mostafaiyan, M. ; Wießner, S. ; Heinrich, G.
Title The study of the distributive mixing in converging channels: Numerical method and analytical approach
Date 01.10.2015
Number 46564
Abstract Using an in-house finite element code, we analyzed the isothermal flow field of a polymer melt in a converging channel. More specifically, we calculated the mean strain function as a criterion for distributive mixing. The used power-law model is implemented to incorporate the shear thinning behavior of the polymeric melts. A parametric study is also presented to provide a good understanding of the complex dependency of the distributive mixing on rheological and geometrical parameters. Finally, an analytical solution for the mixing parameter is developed using some simplifying assumptions and curve-fitting techniques. (C) 2015 Society of Plastics Engineers
Publisher Polymer Engineering and Science
Citation Polymer Engineering and Science 55 (2015) 2285-2292
Tags twin-screw extruders residence time distribution particle tracking continuous mixer mapping method fluid-flow simulation efficiency single model

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