

Authors Sapkota, J. ; Poikelispää, M. ; Das, A. ; Dierkes, W. ; Vuorinen, J.
Title Natural rubber/butadiene rubber based hybrid nanocomposites containing carbon black and nanoclay
Date 16.10.2014
Number 44524
Abstract The influence of partial replacement of carbon black (CB) by nanoclay on the ­curing kinetics of natural rubber/butadiene rubber-based hybrid nanocomposites was studied. The successive replacement of CB by organically modified nanoclays significantly influenced the curing behaviour of the compound: The ­crosslinking reaction is facilitated by the presence of nanoclay in these hybrid nanocom­posites, as indicated by a decrease in activation energy. Furthermore, the modified nanoclays form a filler-filler network as indicated by viscosity and Payne effect measurements.
Publisher RFP - Rubber Fibres Plastics International for China
Citation RFP - Rubber Fibres Plastics International for China (2014) 42-43

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