

Authors Stephan, M.; Gohs, U.;Heinrich, G.; Volke, S.; Wagenknecht, U.
Title Electron Treatment of Thermoplastics under Reactive Conditions
Date 19.06.2008
Number 426
Abstract Polymer modification with accelerated electrons is well-established in plastics industry and used for degradation, crosslinking, grafting, curing, and polymerization. These applications use local and temporal precise input of energy in order to generate excited atoms or molecules and ions for subsequent molecule changes via radical induced complex chemical reactions.<br /><br />Interesting chemical reactions can be induced in polymers with accelerated electrons under reactive conditions. The main parameters of reactive electron treatment are dose rate, temperature, gas atmosphere, and mixing conditions during the polymer processing. Reactive electron treatment includes controlled generation of reactive species in polymer and surrounding gas, elevated temperature and at least dynamic conditions. Thus a 1,5 MeV electron accelerator has been directly coupled to a lab-scale single screw extruder and a banbury mixing chamber in order to study reaction mechanisms as well as changes in structure and properties of polymers, blends, and composites under static and dynamic conditions.<br /><br />High temperature, absence of any crystallinity, intensive macromolecular mobility as well as intensive mixing are some reasons for achieving unexpected structures, processing behaviour and property changes in reactive treated thermoplastics. For examples crosslinking of polyethylene is much more effective and long chain branching of polypropylene can be generated. Further it is known that the balance between generation of reactive species and mixing efficiency might be a controlling parameter in polymer modification. First results of reactive electron treatment under static and dynamic conditions as well as the requirements on dosimetry methods and electron beam technology will be presented in detail.
Publisher Proceedings of the Polymer Processing Society 24th Annual Meeting
Citation Proceedings of the Polymer Processing Society 24th Annual Meeting (2008) 3 Pages

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