

Authors Langner, C. ; Meier-Haack, J. ; Voit, B. ; Komber, H.
Title The stepped reaction of decafluorobiphenyl with thiophenol studied by in situ 19F NMR spectroscopy
Date 31.12.2013
Number 39262
Abstract Kinetic studies on the reaction of decafluorobiphenyl and di- and tetra(phenylthio)-substituted perfluorobiphenyl with thiophenol in the presence of triethylamine were performed by in situ 19F NMR spectroscopy to determine rate constants. In well-defined consecutive reactions, the even-numbered phenylthio derivatives are main products whereas the odd-numbered derivatives are much more reactive and were observed only in low concentrations. Very pronounced differences in rate constants and reactivity were obtained.
Publisher Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
Citation Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 156 (2013) 314-321
Tags nucleophilic substitution decafluorobiphenyl kinetics 19f nmr thiophenol aromatic polyfluoro-compounds thiolate anion bond formation aryl copolymers 2 3 5 6-tetra-fluorothiophenol pentafluorostyrene nucleophile polyethers catalysts

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