

Authors Voit, B. ; Fleischmann, S. ; Riedel, M. ; Stadermann, J.
Title Multifunctional block copolymers through CRP for hybrid patterning
Date 25.07.2011
Number 27927
Abstract POLY 476 - Applications of a polymeric material in micro- and nanotechnology are determined by functionality as well as molecular architecture. Thus, control over both enables the tailoring of a macromolecule with respect to its utilization as a functional material. By combining surface patterning via self-assembly of block copolymers with a supplemental photo-structuring, the fabrication of a more complex functional surface pattern can be realized. Here, multifunctional block copolymers suitable for hybrid patterning have been realized by controlled radical polymerization (RAFT) combined with click reactions. Introduction of photolabile (NVOC) protected amino functions into one block combined with an unpolar styrene-based block resulted in the desired nanophase-separated thin polymer films. UV irradiation allows site-specific release of the free amino functions.
Publisher Polymer Preprints
Citation Polymer Preprints 52 (2011) 486

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