

Authors Wagenknecht, U. ; Gohs, U. ; Leuteritz, A. ; Volke, S. ; Wießner, S. ; Heinrich, G.
Title Modification of particle filled polymers with high energy electrons under in-stationary conditions of melt mixing
Date 02.05.2011
Number 21428
Abstract Polymer modification with high energy electrons is well-established in polymer industry and used for degradation, cross-linking, grafting, curing, and polymerization. These applications use local and temporal precise input of energy in order to generate excited atoms or molecules and ions for subsequent molecule changes via radical induced chemical reactions. In the present study, high energy electrons have been used to modify polyolefine (polyethylene and polypropylene) systems in presence of a grafting agent under stationary and in-stationary conditions. Polymer modification with high energy electrons under stationary conditions characterizes a process where required absorbed dose is applied to polymers in solid state and at room temperature. Polymer modification with high energy electrons under in-stationary conditions is a novel process where required absorbed dose is applied in molten state during melt mixing process. In this novel process, the penetration depth of electrons is limited to a part of mixing volume. The total mixing volume is modified due to the change of polymer mass within the penetration depth of electrons during mixing process. A 1.5·MeV electron accelerator has been directly coupled to a banbury mixing chamber in order to study this novel process. In comparison to the stationary process, the main differences are working at higher temperature, absence of any crystallinity, intensive macromolecular mobility as well as intensive mixing during dose application. The influence of both processes on mechanical properties and flame resistance of polymer composites is discussed.
Publisher Macromolecular Symposia
Citation Macromolecular Symposia 301 (2011) 146-150

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