

Authors Herold, E. ; Uhlmann, P. ; Eichhorn, K.-J. ; Stamm, M.
Title PNIPAAm brushes mixed with PAA-b-PS: A versatile tool to control the adsorption of human serum albumin
Date 16.09.2008
Number 17562
Abstract Control of protein adsorption on polymeric thin films is an important tool of biosurface engineering. Mixed systems composed of two or more sorts of polymers were shown to be very promising to govern protein adsorption over a wide range. As a prerequisite to understand the mechanism of protein adsorption we investigated the swelling behaviour of a thin film system mixed of a PNIPAAm brush and PAA-b-PS chains as well as adsorption and desorption of human serum albumin on this polymer surface at varying polymer film compositions and environmental conditions. The PNIPAAm brush was prepared according to the "grafting to" method, whereas the PAA-b-PS chains were attached as "loops" by several COOH – groups to the surface. In-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements showed a coupled swelling mechanism of the PNIPAAm brush and the PAA-b-PS block copolymer, which we refer to interactions of PNIPAAm and PAA. The adsorbed amount of human serum albumin on this mixed system could be controlled via the proportions of PNIPAAm and the block copolymer. By using single wavelength null ellipsometry the kinetics of protein desorption were studied and we observed a slower desorption of the protein for the mixed systems compared to PAA-b-PS thin films, implying a delaying effect of the PNIPAAm brush on protein desorption.
Publisher Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering
Citation Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering 99 (2008) 426-427
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