

Authors Ionov, L. ; Houbenov, N. ; Sidorenko, A. ; Stamm, M. ; Luzinov, I. ; Minko, S.
Title Inverse and Reversible Switching Gradient Surfaces from Mixed Polyelectrolyte Brushes
Date 09.11.2004
Number 12753
Abstract We report on a thin polyelectrolyte film (mixed polyelectrolyte brush) with a gradual change of thecomposition (ratio between two different oppositely charged surface-grafted weak polyelectrolytes) acrossthe sample. The gradient of surface composition creates a gradient in surface charge density and,consequently, a gradient of the wetting behavior. The gradient film is sensitive to a pH signal and canbe reversibly switched via pH change.
Publisher Langmuir
Citation Langmuir 20 (2004) 9916-9919
Tags poly(methyl methacrylate)/polystyrene brushes oppositely charged polymers field lattice theory anchoring layer environment solvent reorganization polymerization simulation

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