

Authors Dutschk, V. ; Breitzke, B.
Title Spreading characteristics of aqueous surfactant solutions on polymer surfaces
Date 30.08.2005
Number 12525
Abstract The objective of this work was the analysis of dynamic wetting behaviour of aqueous surfactant solutions on polymer surfaces in respect of spreading characteristics evaluation. Surfactants with different ionogeneity (ionics and non-ionics) in a wide concentration range were used in this study. The sessile drop method was used to measure the contact angle, base radius and height of a drop containing surfactant as functions of time. Five polymer surfaces of different surface free energy were well prepared and characterised for this study. The analysis of the time dependency of the drop base radius reveals that the long-term spreading behaviour for all surfactant solutions follows power law with exponent values much lower than 0.1 which agrees neither with the diffusion-controlled spreading nor with Tanner's law. On the basis of experimental results, we conclude that a transfer of surfactant molecules on the bare polymeric surface in front of the moving liquid takes place as described by Starov et al. The transfer time can be used as a spreading characteristic which decreases with increasing concentration as predicted by Starov et al.
Publisher Tenside Surfactants Detergents
Citation Tenside Surfactants Detergents 42 (2005) 82-87

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