

Authors Scheel, A. ; Voit, B. ; Komber, H.
Title Synthesis and Characterization of Labile Hyperbranched Polycarbonates
Date 13.12.2004
Number 12317
Abstract Due to continuous miniaturization in microelectronics several approaches to nanoporous ultra low dielectric constant materials are currently under investigation. One promising approach to achieve voids in nanometer scale is the incorporation of hyperbranched thermolabile polymers as porogens into current low-k matrices like DVS-BCB (1,1,3,3- Tetramethyldivinylsiloxanebisbenzocylobutene). Polycarbonates are known to have sharp decomposition temperatures depending on the structural environment of the carbonate group. Therefore hyperbranched polycarbonates where the carbonate group is in between aliphatic carbon atoms are promising porogen materials. So far, only the synthesis of polycarbonate dendrimers and hyperbranched aromatic polycarbonates have been described in literature. Hyperbranched structures can be synthesized via two routes: first the classical ABn (with n > or = 2) route, which should not lead to crosslinked products according to Flory and second the An + Bm with n = 2 and m > or = 3) approach. The second approach offers an easier accessibility of monomers but during polymerization crosslinking might take place. Furthermore the resulting structures are far more complex. For the synthesis of the hyperbranched polycarbonates both routes were followed.
Publisher Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering
Citation Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering 91 (2004) 654-655
Tags polycarbonates synthesis chain branching bulk polymerization molecular structure

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