

Authors Opitz, J. ; Braun, F. ; Seidel, R. ; Pompe, W. ; Voit, B. ; Mertig, M.
Title Site-specific binding and stretching of DNA molecules at UV-light patterned aminoterpolymer films
Date 14.05.2004
Number 12098
Abstract Site-specific deposition of nanoparticles and DNA onto micro-patterned aminoterpolymer films is reported. The chemical patterning of the film surface is accomplished by an easy-to-handle, one-step procedure. Photolabile protection groups are locally removed by applying UV light through an optical mask. This causes exposure of amino groups to the surface to which charged nanoparticles can then associate. End-specific binding of DNA at the surface-exposed amino groups is obtained at optimum pH conditions. This allows a site-specific attachment and stretching of single DNA molecules at the patterned polymer film surface.
Publisher Nanotechnology
Citation Nanotechnology 15 (2004) 717-723
Tags functionalized surfaces terpolymers

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