

Authors Kondyurin, A.V. ; Lauke, B.
Title Curing of liquid epoxy resin in plasma discharge
Date 01.09.2004
Number 11903
Abstract Epoxy resins in the solid state, liquid state and during polymerisation were treated by microwave oxygen plasma and analysed by FTIR spectra. Curing, etching and oxidation kinetics of epoxy resin were observed. In the liquid resin and polymerising mixture the effect of structure modification was observed more intensively than in the case of solid sample due to a mixing process. A modification of bulk layers of liquid epoxy resin was observed under plasma action. The polymerisation reaction of epoxy resin with amine hardening agent can be released in plasma discharge at low pressure.
Publisher European Polymer Journal
Citation European Polymer Journal 40 (2004) 1915-1923

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