

Authors Radoeva, M. ; Radoev, B. ; Stöckelhuber, K.W.
Title Effect of deposition inhomogeneity on the Ohm resistance of thin electroless copper layers
Date 31.12.2003
Number 10659
Abstract The electric Ohm resistivity rgr of electroless Cu layers on glass substrates as a function of deposition thickness is studied. Deviations up to 200 times from the standard resistivity (rgrinfin (Cu) = 1.7 mgrOHgr cm) below 100 nm deposition thickness reported in other papers are confirmed. A comparative analysis shows different reasons for the higher resistivity of thin electroless layers and evaporated ones. A diagram with variables taken from the so-called Fuchs theory correct for thin evaporated metallic layers quantitatively illustrates conductance differences of electroless and evaporated layers. It is supposed that at electroless layers the isolated areas of deposition as well as the strong branching of the conducting circuits play major role. Calculation of the relative resistivity rgr/rgrinfin of a real sample show good agreement with the proposed model.
Publisher Journal of Materials Science
Citation Journal of Materials Science 38 (2003) 2703-2707

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