

Authors Kaminski, M. ; Figiel, L.
Title Effective elastoplastic properties of the periodic composites
Date 27.11.2001
Number 10239
Abstract The article presented deals with the homogenization of composite materials with elastoplastic constituents. The transformation field analysis (TFA) approach is presented and applied to compute the effective nonlinear behavior of multicomponent periodic composite structure. Computational implementation of the method consists in special utilization of the program ABAQUS, which makes it possible to homogenize <i>n</i>-component periodic composites with relatively general configuration of the periodicity cell. Numerical example of homogenization of a three-component periodic composite shows the comparison between the nonlinear behavior of a real composite and of a homogenized one in a specific boundary problem defined on its representative volume element (RVE).
Publisher Computational Materials Science
Citation Computational Materials Science 22 (2001) 221-239

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