

Authors Beyerlein, D. ; Eichhorn, K.-J. ; Kratzmüller, Th.
Title Study of Novel Polymer Architecture on Solid Surfaces by Variable Angle Spectroscopic and Imaging Ellipsometry
Date 20.06.2002
Number 10071
Abstract Polymers are often applied as thin layers on different substrates. So ellipsometry is used to characterize the thickness and the optical constants. Unfortunately this method is model-based and novel polymer architectures require suitable optical models. This paper shows a simple way to detect thickness and optical constants in the region of the absorption for a multilayer system of polycations and dyes. Sometimes the lateral inhomogeneity of polymer layers prevents a correct estimation of the thickness. The imaging ellipsometry permits to image the inhomogeneities or microstructures. Furthermore, the thickness can be determined in regions of interest. This method is demonstrated on mictrostructured surface-polymerized polypeptides.
Publisher Vibrational Spectroscopy
Citation Vibrational Spectroscopy 29 (2002) 223-227

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