

Authors Grundke, K. ; Augsburg, A.
Title On the determination of the surface energetics of porous polymer materials
Date 13.03.2000
Number 6263
Abstract The solid surface tension &#947;sv of hydrophobic polymer powders has been determined using the capillary penetration technique. By plotting K&#947;lv cos &#950;, where K is a geometric factor, versus the liquid surface tension &#947;lv, the following values of &#947;sv were directly derived from the curves: poly(tetrafluoroethylene) &#947;sv = 20.4 mJ/m<SUP>2</SUP>, polypropylene &#947;sv = 30.2 mJ/m<SUP>2</SUP>, polyethylene &#947;sv = 34.4 mJ/m<SUP>2</SUP>, and polystyrene &#947;sv = 27.5 mJ/m<SUP>2</SUP>. These values are in good agreement with the &#947;sv values obtained from contact angle measurements on flat and smooth solid surfaces of the same materials. If the contact angles were first calculated from the capillary penetration experiments, which is the usual procedure applied in the literature, distinctly higher contact angles were obtained. Obviously these angles are affected by the powder morphology and are therefore meaningless contact angles in terms of a surface energetic interpretation.
Publisher Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology
Citation Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 14 (2000) 765-775
Tags PG_Wetting_ContactAngle

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