

Authors Müller, M.; Wöltje, M.; Hofmaier, M.; Tarpara, B.; Urban, B.; Aibibu, D.; Cherif, C.
Title In situ ATR-FTIR studies on the β-sheet formation of native and regenerated Bombyx mori silk material in solution and Its potential for drug releasing coatings
Date 29.07.2024
Number 0
Abstract Dynamic attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy at both solutions and coatings of a semicrystalline silk material derived from Bombyx mori was applied to monitor the β-sheet conformation, which is known to correlate with silk protein crystallinity. The secondary structure-sensitive Amide I band was analyzed. Two silk protein samples were studied: native-based silk buffer fibroin (NSF) was extracted from silk glands and regenerated silk fibroin (RSF) was extracted from degummed cocoons. Solutions of both NSF and RSF at 2 mg/mL featured low initial β-sheet contents of 5–12%, which further increased to 47–53% after 24 h. RSF and NSF solutions at 23 mg/mL also featured low initial β-sheet contents of 9–10%, which yet only slightly increased to 16–17% after 24 h. Coatings deposited from RSF solutions showed high surface integrity (Q > 99%) after rinsing in mineralized water, enabling interfacial drug delivery applications. RSF coatings were post-treated with either formic acid (FA) or pure methanol (MeOH) vapor to showcase inducibility of crystalline domains in RSF coatings. Such coatings were loaded with the model antibiotic drugs tetracycline (TCL) and streptomycin (STRP), and the sustained release of TCL was followed in contact with (4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid) (HEPES) buffer. RSF/TCL coatings post-treated with formic acid (FA) vapor followed by methanol (MeOH) vapor showed a significantly lower (52%) initial burst of rather hydrophobic TCL compared to untreated RSF/TCL coatings (72%), while no such significant release difference was observed for hydrophilic STRP. This was rationalized by a specific interaction between nonpolar TCL and hydrophobic crystalline RSF domains.
Publisher American Chemical Society
Citation Langmuir 40 (2024) 16731-16742

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